S1, Budidaya Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1998
S2, Program Tropical and International Agriculture, Gottingen University, 2007
S3, Pemuliaan dan Genetika, Gottingen University, 2014
Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura dan Perkebunan
Peneliti Ahli Muda
SEVP Business Support
Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) for Bunch Components of The Interspecific Population of Elaeis oleifera and Elaeis guineensis
Penulis : Siregar, H. A., Suprianto, E., Sujadi, S., Rahmadi, H. Y., Arif, M., Setiowati, R. D., Purba, A. R
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2021
Big bunches and high oil content from second cycle of oil palm breeding program at IOPRI
Penulis : Purba, A.R., Y. Yenni, E. Suprianto, Akiyat
Proceedings International Oil Palm Conference Optimum Use of Resources: Development and Opportunities for Sustainable Oil Palm Development. 2006
Performance of DxP PPKS 239: New high yielding variety from IOPRI
Penulis : Suprianto E, Y. Yenni, A.R. Purba
Paper presented on 2010 International Oil Palm Conference. 2010
Genetic variation and genotype x environment interactions for seed hull and seed fibre content in winter oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L.)
Penulis : Suprianto E, Ecke W, Becker HC, Möllers C
The 2012 German Society for Plant Breeding (GPZ) Conference “Breeding crops for sustainaible agricultural production”. 2012
Mapping of QTL for NDF, ADF and ADL content in a winter oilseed rape doubled haploid population
Penulis : Suprianto E, Schatzki J, Hermann F, Ecke W, Becker HC, Möllers C
Proc 13th International Rapeseed Congress. 2011
Genetic variation for seed hull and fibre content in a collection of European winter oilseed rape material (Brassica napus L.) and development of NIRS calibrations
Penulis : Dimov Z, Suprianto E, Hermann F, Möllers C
Plant Breed. 2012
Genetic analysis and QTL mapping for seed fibre content in a black seeded doubled haploid population of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Penulis : Suprianto E, Schatzki J, Becker HC, Ecke W, Möllers C
Vortragstagung Deutsche Gessellschaft für Qualitätforschung (Pflanzliche Nahrungs-mittel) e.V. „Von Anbau zum Verbraucher: Qualität in der Wertschöpfungskette“. 2013
Current status on oil palm breeding in Indonesia
Penulis : Suprianto E, Supena N, Yenni Y, Wening S, Purba AR
SABRAO Conference. 2015
Komposisi asam lemak dan karoten kelapa sawit elaeis oleifera, interspesifik hibrida, dan pseudo-backcross pertama di Sumatra utara, Indonesia
Penulis : Heri Adriwan Siregar, Hernawan Yuli Rahmadi, Sri Wening, Edy Suprianto
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2018
A major QTL on chromosome C05 significantly reduces acid detergent lignin (ADL) content and increases seed oil and protein content in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Penulis : Behnke, N, E. Suprianto, C Moellers
Theor Appl Genet. 2018
Characteristics of flower and fruit development of 35 angola accessions of Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute’s collection at Adolina Estate of PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV
Penulis : Sujadi, Nanang Supena, Edy Suprianto
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2019
Evaluation of Third Cycle Progeny Test for Compact Character in IOPRI’s Oil Palm Breeding Program
Penulis : Pangaribuan, Ikhwan Fadli, Yurna Yenni, Sujadi Sujadi, and Edy Suprianto
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2019
Cameroon Virescens Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) from IOPRI’s Germplasm
Penulis : Siregar, Heri Adriwan, Yurna Yenni, Retno Diah Setiowati, Nanang Supena, Edy Suprianto, and Abdul Razak Purba
Journal of Agricultural Science 4. 2020
Perubahan Kadar Air dan Daya Hantar Listrik Benih Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis L.) Selama Penyimpanan Periode Pendek dengan Kemasan Polypropylene dan Plastik Vakum pada Kondisi Ruang AC
Penulis : Arif, Mohamad, Palupi, E.R, Ilyas, S., Widajati, E., Qadir, A., Suprianto, E.
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2020
Identifikasi SNP genom pada populasi Elaeis guineensis x Elaeis oleifera
Penulis : Wening, S., Siregar, H. A., Suprianto, E., Setyawan, D., Rahmadi, H. Y., Setiowati, R. D., Purba, A. R
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 2021
Fine Bubbles Utilization to Increase Germination Rate of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis L. Jacq) Seeds.
Penulis : Arif, M., Ilyas, S., Widajati, E., Qadir, A., Suprianto, E., & Palupi, E. R.
Journal of Agricultural Science. 2023